As in the previous years, Center for Christ welcomes another Preaching Competition for the Blind Friends. The Competition that is held yearly is unique each year because of the various topics assigned for the contestants. For this year, the general topic of preaching is about "How to follow the footsteps of Jesus." A total of 17 preaching contestants sign up, and each one must address a specific bible passage
Residing as the Jury for the competition are Reverend Hendrady, pastor of GKAA Kelapa Gading, and Reverend Dr. Moranda Girsang, a pastor and a senior teaching staff of STTII Kebon Jeruk. Each contestant is given a maximum of 10 minutes to deliver the message. The juries score each contestant based on 3 aspects, namely the accuracy of message, delivery style of the message, and Q&A session by the juries regarding the message being delivered.

The objective of this preaching competition is to measure the spiritual growth and understanding of the Blind Friends, as well as giving the Blind Friends the confidence and experience of preaching. Each year the Blind Friends show great progress, proven by the depth of spiritual understanding when they deliver a message. The juries are pleasantly surprised by knowledge and the faith that the Blind Friends demonstrate during this competition.
After the tabulation of the scores, the winners of this year's competition are as follows: First Place: Sister Gressia Second Place: Sister Tami Third Place: Brother Sina Runner Ups: Brother Bradley, Brother Josua Sitompul, and Sister Elizabeth.
